The Touchstone Campus is a new landmark for care and the benchmark for a clean and safe community.

What is it?

The Touchstone Campus is an “all-in-one” operations center, providing each of 4PA’s services. It will include a shop for our cleaning operation, plus offices and a board room. A 1/2-acre green space will accommodate several temporary housing shelters, where occupants will have 24/7 access to common facilities, including bathrooms with showers, laundry and a kitchen. In addition, retail/manufacturing businesses will be added to provide training and work for those staying at the campus. The end result will be a safe place to learn life skills, helping individuals transition to self-sustainability in our community.

Common Questions

  • The Touchstone Campus is located at 230 E First Street, Port Angeles WA. This facility was originally Lannoye Motors built in 1945. Most recently it was home to the Spa Shop and Pen Print.

  • Those staying with us will be recommended and vetted by our social service partners. Including, but not limited to, Olympic Peninsula Community Clinic (OPCC), Peninsula Behavioral Health (PBH), and Serenity House. Our facility will not be equipped to house individuals who are in active drug use. We will continue to refer those needing that type of care to recovery centers and specialty clinics. Instead, we will be focusing on people currently in a recovery program. Our intent is to provide a safe environment for people to thrive. In order to provide excellent care as we work through and adopt our management systems, we have concluded that establishing clear boundaries is the best way for us to make a difference.

  • Yes. All occupants must agree to and sign a “code of conduct” document. It will include things such as NO drugs or alcohol, quiet hours, visitors, cleanliness standards for each unit, and duties around the campus. These rules will be developed in coordination with a community advisory board made up of nearby business owners/residents, law enforcement, and 4PA staff.

  • Yes. We believe strongly in helping our immediate residents. In our experience, and based on the number of potential occupants at the campus, there should be no need to open our enrollment to anyone who has been in our community for less than a year. There will be no intake procedure for someone from another city requesting a shelter at our campus. Our focus is strengthening our local community.

  • Yes. The Touchstone Campus will be a “high barrier” facility. There will be NO drugs or alcohol permitted on campus and it will be a requirement for those staying with us to be drug and alcohol free. A main priority is to help with rehabilitation, and drug and alcohol use interferes with that process.

  • Yes, we plan on having a “live in” manager to oversee the facility. As part of the ongoing care provided, each occupant will have a case worker assigned who will check in regularly and help with the next steps of self sufficiency. In addition, our cleaning crew is on site and operational six days a week.

  • No.

  • Each occupant will have a case worker to help them with next steps and additional services they may need such as medical help and counseling. On-site, 4PA will be providing job opportunities. The idea is to give life skills and training to be utilized elsewhere in our community. There are several other agencies that offer basic necessities, such as clothing and toiletries, so our organization will not provide these items for anyone who is not an occupant of the campus.

  • The Touchstone Campus is different because it provides an intermediate, temporary location for someone to stay while working on rehabilitation. The target time frame is six months to one year. Our regional shelter is another option, but is typically a shorter term stay and doesn’t provide the level of individual space our campus will provide.

Continuing our mission of a clean and safe community for all.

What is the timeline?

We’ve done our best to put together a timeline of development, but of course several external factors make this subject to change. Initial estimates, based on information gathered from the City of Port Angeles and our contractor, show the bulk of our development occurring in 2025. We are on track to break ground in January 2025. We will update the timeline as the project progresses.

Want a tour to see where it’s all starting?

Phase 1

Occupy shop / clean & secure property / utilize parking lot for community space

  • Work has started on Phase 1 and is ongoing. We now occupy the shop for our cleaning operation and volunteers. New equipment was both donated and purchased to help maintain the property, and address any necessary repairs to the facility. Next , as development of Phase 2 & 3 get underway, we plan to prepare the parking lot for Food Truck Roundups and community events. Revenue from food trucks will help with ongoing maintenance costs of the parking lot. Additional work will include a perimeter fence to control foot traffic, increase safety, and create a clear barrier between the Touchstone Campus and the adjacent Storm King Athletic Club.

  • Estimated $25,000

Phase 2

Construct temporary shelters

  • Phase 2 will begin with Phase 3 underway soon after. The goal is to have both completed around the same time. In Phase 2, 4PA will design and build safe, friendly, and clean tiny homes that meet residential code in Washington and can be constructed or assembled on-site. The homes will be simple, quaint, not clinical, and create a welcoming environment for the residents.

    Accessibility to and from homes and the community center is critically important to make safe. We will work with the city to address safety standards and other important factors including ADA-compliance, good lighting and visibility, and creating a community feel while respecting privacy and independence. This will include approximately 11 temporary dwellings, with expansion room for 3 more at a later date.

    Dependencies/considerations for Phase 2:

    -Basic safety and sanitation requirements must be met in order to house any occupants. Shelters will be built incrementally beginning with a few and adding more as we meet funding goals.

    -Secure proper permits with the City of PA

    -Community Housing Manager will be be hired and trained as our first resident.

  • $350,000 - estimated $30,000 / unit

Phase 3

Add common facilities & renovate offices / shop / retail space

  • During Phase 3, improvements will continue to be made to the shop as needed, including such things as new insulation, lights, and bringing in a consistent heating method. We will also work to reconfiguring the shop for future industrial/manufacturing work. Phase 2 and 3 will be worked on in conjunction, with Phase 2 getting underway first.

    The common facilities, community space, and offices will be the bulk of this phase in both time and expense. This includes, office space, a retail store front, a conference room for 4PA, and a community center for the residents. The community center will have individual restrooms with showers, kitchen and dining area, a laundry area, and a recreation space.

    For the duration of this phase we will work with 123 West Design Collective and local contractors to design, engineer, and completely renovate the existing structure.

  • Estimated $940,000

Phase 4

Renovate final retail space (former Pen Print building)

  • The renovation of this building is not in the immediate plans (before 2025) but should be considered for the overall master plan of the campus. Possibilities for this space include a community kitchen to mentor and support Touchstone residents, or a general retail space for handmade goods. The building will need general renovations to improve the interior as well as any major renovations to add internal walls, plumbing, electrical, and other modifications for a working kitchen.

  • No cost estimates at this time.

Phase 5

Off-site expansion for longer term housing

  • 4PA understands that the Touchstone Campus provides one piece of a much bigger puzzle. We have already started discussions on how and where to transition residents of the Touchstone Campus to a more permanent situation. Stay tuned…

  • No cost estimate at this time.

How will this be funded?

As we’ve done since day one, we pride ourselves on providing a significant return on investment. We want you to see a noticeable difference in Port Angeles.

Until now, and including the purchase of our property, community pledges have been the main source of income for our operation. We will continue to utilize pledges as we begin the development of the Touchstone Campus. In fact, pledges are even more vital as expenses increase, and we will be looking for opportunities to get more community members supporting in this way.

For the first time, we will begin actively pursuing local and private grants. These will be a significant source of the money needed to complete our development.

Finally, income generated from our property will also be used. This includes rent/lease of buildings or space on premise, plus revenue from small businesses that we will be operating on-site.  

Give directly to the Touchstone Campus development

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